Exploring where life and story meet!

Monday, June 17, 2013

June blue and other mysteries

            Many people ask how a good/gracious/involved/loving God can allow suffering, pain, misery, despair, grief, or X to happen, whether X is the death of a loved one (especially at a young age) or getting a C on a test or being late for work.  The better question I think, is why do we take the world for granted?  The modern urban humanoid immersed in their technological universe has failed to notice the natural world and all its splendors, me thinks.  How could Chaos, a distant/uncaring/indifferent god, or the Great Supreme Whatever create a sky of June blue?  I find it strange coincidence that June exists at all, let alone that the morning sky would be such a lovely color rather than the drab grey of November or the hideous green of my 1970’s era dorm room walls.  This is no philosophical proof of God, merely an observation but certainly an interesting one.  We are so used to pleasant things that all we can do is complain when things do not go as we assume they must, like spoiled children we throw a tantrum when things are not according to our wishes and wonder why God is then not good?  It is our definition of good that needs changing, not God’s practice of it.  In this confused and desperate world, there are so many things that are pleasant, beautiful, wonderful, and good and these should remind us daily of Him who cares to provide them when no cosmic law says He must.  A June sky is certainly consideration and blessing enough for such flawed and weary creatures, but He did not stop there but blesses us daily with what we assume to be mere trifles.

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