Exploring where life and story meet!

Monday, September 30, 2019

Just give up: the real meaning of losing your life to find it!

Enter the kingdom as a little child, the first shall be last and the last first, you can only save your life by losing it, gain the world by forsaking it?  It sounds like nonsense, foolishness, ridiculousness, if ever we've heard it!  Perhaps a better word is paradox: a riddle that makes no sense until you're on the inside looking out.  What else could start as a minor scandal in some uncouth province of the greatest Empire known to man, started by fishermen of all people!, and quite literally 'turn the world upside down?'  But it isn't a nation or culture it was meant to transform, though that can be the result, if taken seriously by enough people, but it is a very personal question asked of each and every individual ever born: what will you make of this nonsense?  He calls it nonsense Himself, a foolish little thing, used to turn nations and powers and cultures and the very way the world works, on its head.  What will you do with this impossible thing?  Don't just acknowledge that it exists and move on with your life, even the demons do that!  Don't just bring it into your life, another facet of who and what you are, another hobby or interest or intellectual pursuit.  Don't chase after it thinking it will be your ticket to success or prosperity, it won't.  Don't think you can just incorporate it into who you think you are or the life you currently have, it won't be slipped into place like a book on a shelf.  Don't wait until you're perfect either, because you never will be.

Come empty, come broken, come just as you are.  Leave all your expectations, opinions, desires, sorrows, and everything else at the door.  Just come.  Quit trying to make it about you, what you want, what you need, just come.  Like a little child to a loving father.  Like a beloved bride to her groom.  Like one friend to another.  Like an employee to a great boss.  Just come.  Your expectations, your desires, your ideas are just too small, throw them out and discover what you are, who you are, but most importantly Whose you are.  We are like children playing at pretend, insisting our make-believe is real.  It sounds like nonsense, but it is what you've been looking for all your long, weary life, what humanity itself has been seeking since Eden fell, but you need to decide what to do with it.

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