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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Hope for those who have exhausted Jane Austen

I had thought there was no hope of finding an author I like as well as Jane Austen, at least in the same genre, place, and time, but I believe one Maria Edgeworth might be just such a worthy lady, though I had never heard of her previously, I have just finished two of her books (Belinda and The Absentee) and found both delightful!  She was a novelist that Miss Austen herself quotes in Northanger Abbey, upon the novel as the pinnacle of literary portrayal of morals, virtue, and human behavior, and I must side with Catherine and say that at least in Maria Edgeworth's novels, that is indeed true.  I had previously read Cecilia, by an authoress who very obviously inspired Austen, but found it long, sometimes tedious, and certainly sensational (Jane makes abundant fun of fainting in her 'Love and Friendship' but it is taken quite seriously in Cecilia!).  The best I can describe is that Edgeworth is like reading Austen, if Miss Austen wrote about scenes and society outside her country manors and genteel society, she possesses an equal depth and breadth of characters, the virtues and vices of society are explored, humor is rampant, and a happy ending lurks just out of sight.  So if you have run out of Austen, give Maria Edgeworth a try!

For all those who aspire to be Miss Austen's heir in the modern era, please read both Austen and Edgeworth thoroughly before you attempt it, make sure you 'get' Austen, it isn't a trashy romance, it is a witty social commentary disguised as a romance!  You can't be Miss Austen's heir without having her manners, virtues, and wit!

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