Exploring where life and story meet!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Lest ye die?

I'm totally puzzled about the strange insanity that has gripped the country.  People are actually driving 3 hours to our itty bitty hole in the wall town to buy toilet paper as all the urban centers are sold out, but this is a respiratory virus, why do you need scads of toilet paper?  True, dogs and calves get diarrhea from a corona virus, but as far as I know each is species specific and of no relation to the current human strain.  Why aren't we then worried about weird cancer like growths then as happens to the unfortunate feline sufferer?  Anyway, life in general is canceled until further notice for something that is far from having the ramifications of a war or the plague.  Should we use common sense and take reasonable precautions, yes!  Should we destroy the economy and all social intercourse, no!  But why are people going bananas?  I just don't get it.

Then I ran across this beautiful article.  Wow!  Now I get it.  Nobody wants to die.  Nobody wants to stare death in the face.  Everybody wants to have control of their entire destiny from birth through death.  We want to choose, we want to do it our way.  And we want to be so distracted from the concept that any interruption thereto is cause for crisis.  And since we need to stare mortality in the face at the moment, let's have a panic to distract therefrom!  Lent has gone viral (sorry, bad pun).  So wake up Church, reexamine your lives, stand up amidst this crisis and offer calm, truth, sense, and hope for a world gone mad!  The world needs Hope, not toilet paper, and we're the only people who know how to find it.  So when death finally does stare you in the face, even if it isn't for many years to come, you can grin back because his is a losing hand!

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