Exploring where life and story meet!

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

This is your life?

I keep reading L.M. Montgomery's The Blue Castle and thinking it is my own autobiography, save a few minor details.  Have you ever found a book like that?  One you read and wondered how it was your own life had been captured by a stranger, especially one who wrote a hundred years ago?  That's the power of story, my friend, no matter in what genre you are dabbling: film, books, video games, comics, music and art...all of it should tell a story, at least any of it worth bothering about!  Story is the language of the soul, no matter the medium!  Wondering what to do during these strange weeks at home or how to help others or change the world for the better?  Why not engage with story?  Read to your children, watch a good movie with your spouse, write that novel you've been incubating, take a virtual tour of an art museum or listen to the Requiem or the Messiah in their entirety or break out your own forgotten paints and add some color to the world!

Take this time to add beauty and meaning and wonder to the world, put something beautiful in!  Modern forms of art, music, literature, and poetry revel in destroying all the rules, all the meaning, the entire point of any of it.  Art and story must have meaning or they are meaningless, just like our lives!  So if you find yourself in a lonely, colorless existence at the moment, all this enforced time at home has revealed the utter bankruptcy of your soul, you aren't alone nor are you hopeless!  Begin today, add color and meaning and purpose to your drab little life!  Read great books and good poetry, watch wonderful movies, have real conversations about deep things, study great art and music, develop your own latent skills in whatever discipline and add to the vast human repertoire.

But remember it is all still meaningless if there is no Meaning behind everything.  If we are the result of some cosmic sneeze, with no eternal destiny or meaning, then go ahead and watch and listen to drivel as meaningless as our reality, until the coldness and loneliness and pointlessness freezes your heart and mind as cold as the regions between the stars, for that is our ultimate destiny: cold, dark oblivion, if Nothing is Everything.  Otherwise, take that thirst for Something and look under the metaphorical rocks and logs of reality until you find it, sell all that you have for this Pearl of Great Price, this Treasure buried in a Field.  That very thirst is a sign you are alive, that life has meaning, and that the point of life is to find that Meaning.  A mere chemical abstraction shouldn't feel empty, lonely, pointless, but a living, breathing, quivering, wondering soul certainly can!  Enjoy story in all its variations and remember the Great Author to whom they point!

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