Exploring where life and story meet!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

On epic adventures of the yuletide sort

We watched a movie the other night (exciting right), as is our tradition this time of year.  It is not exactly considered a holiday classic yet, on par with Rudolph and Charlie Brown, but we enjoy it, but it reminds me of taking things for granted.  We've all probably heard the Christmas story (perhaps read by Linus in the aforementioned Charlie Brown Christmas) at some point in our lives and many can probably say it by heart, but it was interesting watching The Nativity Story again, which is a live action film done in 2006.  They do an excellent job portraying all the things you do not think about when you think of a baby in a manger and a bunch of animals gathered around in adoration.  Particularly Mary's struggle with her role in the whole thing.  First she has angels speaking to her, then she's pregnant in a culture that may kill you for such a thing, then her fiance wants to dump her, and can you imagine what her friends and family think?  After things are straightened out with Joseph, now she gets to make a long journey while eight months pregnant, only to give birth in a stable and end up with the local ruler sending his henchmen to kill you and your kid.  Sounds like an epic if I ever heard of one.  The movie does well depicting the human drama, but what it and we often fail to appreciate is the divine drama.

Can you imagine the richest man in the world agreeing to give up everything and live as the poorest, most despised man on the planet and then willingly suffer a brutal death for another person's crimes?  Now pretend you invented the universe and get to do the same, but on a level completely unimaginable to the likes of us mere mortals.  'God with us,' is the name.  Now there is an epic!  Merry Christmas!

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