Exploring where life and story meet!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The search for Faerie

I found Faerie the other day, the long sought realm of the fairies or perhaps simply it is the lost innocence and wonder of youth.  My grandmother had a wonderfully illustrated book of nursery rhymes that I remember as a child and I wanted to find the book on my last visit.  We sought high and low, hither and yon but to no avail.  I was rather disappointed but life goes on and I forgot about it until the other day at a thrift store I came across the same book but a different edition.  I bought it for the mere pittance they asked for it and went home a happy creature, strange how little true joy costs!  So now I have lived again that wonderful book and shared it with my own family.  My husband thinks I am a little silly, but that is okay, mortals do not tend to understand these things at time.  Look for Eric Kincaid's 'Book of Nursery Rhymes' if you want to explore this wondrous world for yourself.  The illustrations are wonderful, even to a jaded adult.

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